Change of soloist
The OCL in Geneva
OSR invites Orchestre de Chambre de Lausanne
19:30 — Victoria Hall, Geneva
Orchestre de Chambre de Lausanneorchestra
Hossein Pishkarconductor
Christian ImmlerBass-baritone
Joseph Haydn
The Seven Last Words of Our Saviour on the Cross
Gustav Mahler
Kindertotenlieder, for baritone and orchestra
Approximately 1h30 without intermission
The music
Unfortunately, Mr. Johan Reuter is not able to sing the concert on January 16 2025.
He is replaced by Mr. Christian Immler whom we warmly thank for having been able to make himself available.
Bass-baritone Christian Immler will perform Haydn's The Seven Last Words of Our Saviour on the Cross and Mahler's Kindertotenlieder, under the direction of Iranian conductor Hossein Pishkar, who is coming to Geneva to lend his energy to this intense and moving programme of vocal music.
In the first piece, spiritual and poignant, Haydn combines religious depth with musical inventiveness, setting to music the last words of Christ on the cross. A masterpiece of the classical period, imbued with contemplation and beauty. Interwoven with this is a deeply moving vocal cycle, in which Mahler explores the theme of grief and loss through poems by Friedrich Rückert, written after the death of his children.
An intense emotional journey, carried by masterful orchestration and sublime interpretation.