Ville de Genève
17:00 — Victoria Hall, Geneva
Jonathan Nottconductor
Nadège Rochatcello
Marie Jaëll
Concerto for cello
Igor Stravinski
Petrouchka (1911)
The music
Marie Jaëll (1846-1925) has been magnificently rediscovered. A pianist, she triumphed in Europe even before entering the Paris Conservatoire, where she was awarded first prize four months later, and continued to tour. Between 1870 and 1895, driven by a "frenzy", a "passion that overturns all obstacles", she composed some sixty instrumental and vocal works. Her marvellous cello concerto is one of the highlights of her oeuvre. The orchestra's colourful, luminous textures marked the dawn of French music in the century that followed. When Petrouchka, Stravinsky's second ballet, was premiered in Paris in 1911, Marie Jaëll was no longer composing, but conducting innovative research into the relationship between piano touch and psychology.