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Made in America



19:30 — Victoria Hall, Geneva

Series O

Great Patron



19:30 — Victoria Hall, Geneva

Series S



Roderick Coxconductor

Alexander Malofeevpiano

John Adams
Fearful Symmetries, for orchestra

George Gershwin
Rhapsody in blue, for piano and orchestra (orchestration Ferde Grofé 1926)

Aaron Copland
Fanfare for the Common Man

Joan Tower
Fanfare for the Uncommon Woman

Samuel Barber
Symphony No. 1 in One Movement Op. 9

The music

Built around George Gershwin's Rhapsody in blue, this programme will introduce us to the Fearful Symmetries that John Adams wrote in 1988, drawing inspiration from cartoons and music for silent films, in a parodic spirit assumed to be taken literally. The Fanfare for the Common Man was commissioned to Aaron Copland on the United States' entry into the war to be played at the start of every concert during that period. Dedicated to Marin Alsop, the Fanfare for the Uncommon Woman is composer Joan Tower's feminine response to Copland's work, from which she borrows the instrumentation. Samuel Barber composed his Symphony No. 1 in 1936, dedicating it to the companion of his life, the composer Gian Carlo Menotti. Inspired by Sibelius' Symphony No. 7, also in a single movement, it is based on three themes which retain their own character throughout the score in an immediately accessible neo-romantic language.

The venues

OSR Live

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Yvonne Naef


György Ligeti
Poème symphonique, pour cent métronomes

Johann Sebastian Bach
Komm süsser Tod (orchestration by Leopold Stokowski)

Gustav Mahler
Kindertotenlieder, for mezzo-soprano and orchestra

Recorded on 21 January 2021 at Victoria Hall, Geneva

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Ludwig van Beethoven

Symphonie N° 4 en si bémol majeur op. 60

Jonathan Nott


Recorded on 30 July 2020 at Victoria Hall, Geneva

