Orchestral Celebration
19:30 — Victoria Hall, Geneva
20:15 — Théâtre de Beaulieu, Lausanne
Great Patron
Jonathan Nottconductor
Dmitry Shishkinpiano
Hector Berlioz
Benvenuto Cellini, overture
Paul Schoenfield
Four Parables, for piano and orchestra
Igor Stravinski
A Card Game, ballet in three deals
Maurice Ravel
La Valse, a choreographic poem for orchestra
The music
Presented in Dresden for the first time in Europe by Jonathan Nott, the Four Parables by the American composer Paul Schoenfield, composed in 1982, have their sights set on the side of parody, remembering George Gershwin above all as European composers of the 19th and 20th centuries. This amusing potpourri of American popular music deals with four miscellaneous tragicomic events witnessed by the composer. We meet a quadriplegic murderer, an elderly man regretting his past youth, a young man who died of refusing medical care and two children who received a dog as punishment, all in an irresistible jazzy style. Parody and humor are also on the program of Jeu de cartes, the ballet that Stravinsky wrote in his neo-classical period for the dancer and choreographer George Balanchine. We can have fun spotting all the models attributed to the composer twisting his neck throughout his pleasant score. The two works will be selected by two great masters of orchestration, Berlioz and Ravel, who’s La Valse was one of the hobbyhorses of Ansermet and the OSR.
This concert is broadcast on the 08.11.23 on Espace 2 in the radio program Plein Jeu (8pm), produced by Mitsou Carré and Daniel Rausis, and is available for streaming after broadcast on